
Every one has a story. Our unique stories make up our testimonies of how God saved us, what we have overcame, and how we got to where we are today. Your story is vital to encourage and inspire others around you. Please consider sharing the amazing things that have happened in your life with us and let your story live here as a hope to others. You can e-mail it to us at dakota@thetravelingbible.com.

In 2013 my Son was living in Denver, CO. He loved his job and the atmosphere of Colorado but was spiritually lonely. He was desperately searching for the Christ of his childhood. His loneliness in Denver was mistaken many times as unbelief of Christ. It pained me to know of my Son’s struggles. I prayed over him often. I stumbled over Jefferson Bethke’s video on Facebook (Why I hate religion) and sent it to Dakota to watch. He responded with “That’s all I’ve been trying to say, religion hurts”. I was quick to remind him I had removed him from church when he was young because “Religion” was hindering his relationship with Christ. The last time he called me from Denver he was extremely upset and desperate to move. He was trying to decide if he should return to Utah or Alabama. Dakota has great friends in Utah and great family in Alabama. Ultimately, I felt he was seeking my approval to return to Alabama. I pleaded with him to pray about it and be obedient. He had my blessing either way. My testimony is: Within days of returning to Alabama Dakota desperately sought a home church. He went every Sunday seeking a church that would help his relationship with Christ grow. In December 2014 he had found his church family (Flow of the Spirit) and attended as much as possible. In February 2015 Dakota founded The Traveling Bible on Facebook. He was so thrilled to have developed a way for Christians to share and encourage each other. I was over the moon excited! This child I had prayed so purposely for was bearing strong ripe fruit for Christ! God Is Amazing! On April 19th 2015 Dakota was baptized and became an official member at Flow of the Spirit church. He posted his baptism on his Facebook page for all to see. The quality is poor but the fact remains, this Mom is proud! I’m so proud he chose to display his baptism on social media for all to witness because six days later, On April 25th 2015 he was called “Home”. Dakota’s death has increased my already strong faith. God’s evidence and presence is throughout Dakota’s life. The Traveling Bible will forever remain as his last endeavor. It’s a legacy of faith and God’s perfect timing. Every time I feel robbed of Dakota’s presence I’m reminded: “6 days”. 6 days I often chant to myself because I feel Satan tries to claim victory in snuffing out Dakota’s flame for Christ. Dakota was still basking in God’s glow of being cleansed. He literally lived 6 Days of righteous renewal in faith. I love how real Christ is to me. He has demonstrated many blessings in my life. My greatest by far is the knowledge that I have blessed assurance my child is “HOME”. God is good. "Then he said to them all: Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it"[Luke 9:23-24]
"Truly, truly, I say to you, if anyone keeps my word, he will never see death" [John 8:51]
Written By: Connie Caruso
[Dakota Crandall’s Proud Mom] Dec. 30, 2015

In 1991 I was a single parent who was at her wits end with her sick one year old son. It was common for him to have ear infections. So common, in fact, that he was scheduled to have tubes put in his ears after his next episode. So, that night me and my sick child rocked in the chair and cried. His tears were from pain and mine were from the fear of my son facing surgery so young. I felt so helpless and alone. As we sat in the rocking chair holding each other in tears ; the TV was on but only for the light it gave and the background noise it provided. I don’t remember the Preacher’s name or what church he represented but I do remember him saying “The mom that’s rocking her child because he’s sick with an ear infection, raise your hand toward the TV and pray with me”. I was stunned. In desperate faith I responded. My son was healed. The infection we cried all night about was gone the next day. To this day my son who is now 25 has never had surgery on his ears. God is Good!
"If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him?" Matt. 7:11